
Book Panel: Intervention before Interventionism by Patrick Quinton-Brown

23 May 2024
16:30 UK time
Patrick Quinton-Brown
Neta Crawford
Evelyn Goh
Meera Sabaratnam
Manor Road Building, Seminar Room C, Manor Road OX1 3UQ
Members of the University only
Not required
The era of liberal interventionism is over. And the prevailing international discourse is once again about defending state borders and putting up walls. This broad re-assertion of sovereignty and non-intervention---often considered the normative foundation of the BRICS countries, of the Non-Aligned Movement, of Bandung, of the “Westphalian” South---raises a series of difficult questions, not least about the management of challenges shared by all. How are we to make sense of re-organisations of intervention and non-intervention in global order? Intervention before Interventionism is about the ways in which statespeople have re-ordered intervention and non-intervention since the middle of the twentieth century; it is concerned primarily with non-Western contestations of Western-dominated order; it illustrates institutional change in and through decolonization; and it provides a conceptual roadmap for understanding dilemmas of intervention and non-intervention today, particularly in relation to contestation as it has re-emerged in the twenty-first century. While building upon and conversing with existing literature, the book stands out from previous approaches insofar as it is a mapping of international struggles for the re- constitution of intervention in the globalization of the society of states.

This book panel will be hosted by Neta Crawford and feature commentaries by Evelyn Goh and Meera Sabaratnam in addition to a presentation by the author.

Patrick Quinton-Brown is Assistant Professor of International Relations at Singapore Management University and was previously Departmental Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Oxford.

Neta Crawford is Montague Burton Chair in International Relations and also holds a Professorial Fellowship at Balliol College.

Evelyn Goh is the Shedden Professor of Strategic Policy Studies at the Australian National University, where she is also Research Director at the Strategic & Defence Studies Centre.

Meera Sabaratnam is Associate Professor of International Relations and Tutorial Fellow in Politics at New College.