Party Competition and the Gender Vote Gap at the 2024 British General Election, Rosie Campbell (Kings College, London), Ceri Fowler (University of Oxford), Anna Sanders (University of York) and Rosalind Shorrocks (University of Manchester)
Gender-Generation Gaps and Progressivism: The Relationship Between Values and Vote Choice, Liran Harsgor (University of Haifa)P and Maria Grasso (Queen Mary University of London)
The Trusted Politician is the Woman Politician? Experimental Evidence of Gender Bias in Candidate Traits and Trustworthiness in Seven Democracies, Daniel DevineP, Jessica C. Smith, Viktor Valgardsson, Will Jennings, Gerry Stoker (all University of Southampton)
Swiping Right, Leaning Right? Dating Market Dynamics and Sexual Conservative Backlash, Alberto López Ortega (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/Harvard University)P
Attendees are welcome to come from 3pm for coffee.
Gender-Generation Gaps and Progressivism: The Relationship Between Values and Vote Choice, Liran Harsgor (University of Haifa)P and Maria Grasso (Queen Mary University of London)
The Trusted Politician is the Woman Politician? Experimental Evidence of Gender Bias in Candidate Traits and Trustworthiness in Seven Democracies, Daniel DevineP, Jessica C. Smith, Viktor Valgardsson, Will Jennings, Gerry Stoker (all University of Southampton)
Swiping Right, Leaning Right? Dating Market Dynamics and Sexual Conservative Backlash, Alberto López Ortega (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/Harvard University)P
Attendees are welcome to come from 3pm for coffee.