
OxPo Events for Trinity Term 2019

OxPo (the Oxford-Sciences Po Research Group in the Social Sciences) is delighted to announce its events for the remainder of Trinity Term 2019.


Events at Oxford

The French Parliament and the European Union: Backbenchers' Blues
Friday 31 May, 14:30 at Maison Française, Oxford
Speaker: Olivier Rozenberg (Sciences Po Paris)
Convenor: Anja Thomas (Oxford)
Discussant: Radoslaw Zubek (Oxford)

Brexit, British Politics and International Media
Wednesday 5 June, 14:00 at Maison Française, Oxford
Speaker: Anthony Ridge-Newman (Liverpool Hope)
Discussant and Chair: Alexandra Borchardt (Oxford)
Part of: Brexit, Populism and Mainstream Politics

Brexit and Beyond for the EU’s Political Order: National Parliaments and the Europeanisation Paradox
Wednesday 19 June, 14:00 at Maison Française, Oxford
Speaker: Anja Thomas (Oxford)
Part of: Brexit, Populism and Mainstream Politics

Ethics and Public Policy Conference
Thursday 6 June – Friday 7 June, 09:00 – 17:00 at Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford
Coordinated by: Annabel Lever (Sciences Po) and Jonathan Wolff with Lois McNay (Oxford), Stuart White (Oxford)

Events at Sciences Po 

Narratives of the Global (closed workshop)
Thursday 30 May at CERI Sciences Po, Paris
Speakers: Andy Hurrell (Oxford) and Karoline Postel-Vinay (CERI Sciences Po, Paris)

Science Po Graduate Political Theory Annual Conference: Crossroads of Critique: Axel Honneth and the Frankfurt School Project
Thursday 6 June – Saturday 8 June at Sciences Po, Paris
Speakers: Various

What to Learn from ‘Brexit’ for the EU and European Integration: Empirical Insights and Theoretical and Normative Reflections
Tuesday 2 July – Thursday 4 July at AFSP (French Political Science Association) Congress, IEP Bordeaux
Speakers: Anja Thomas (Oxford), Agnès Alexandre-Collier (MFO), Nathalie Berny (MFO), Kalypso Nicolaïdis (Oxford), Marina Pérez de Arcos (Oxford)