
Edvinas Cesnulis

Research Topic:

Does Simplification of Political Complexity Lead to Populist Attitudes? The Case of Lithuania
Mansfield College
MPhil European Politics and Society

Dr Aliaksandr Herasimenka

In 2019, I made the leap from a small town in Lithuania to the University of Essex in the UK, armed with a limited grasp of English. Despite the beautiful challenges that shaped me as an individual, I am successfully progressing towards the completion of my MPhil degree in European Politics and Society at the University of Oxford.

Research interests

  • Populism
  • Political communication
  • EU foreign policy
  • Post-communist politics in Central Eastern Europe

The combination of theoretical knowledge with practical experience at:

  • European Parliament
  • Ministry of National Defence of Lithuania
  • Ministry of Economy and Innovation of Lithuania



  • English (fluent)
  • Lithuanian (native)
  • French (working proficiency)

Difficult questions = interesting findings. Interesting findings into better communication. Better communication into more genuine public interest in science and politics. This principle guides my everyday work and initiatives.