
Farsan Ghassim

Junior Research Fellow in Politics, The Queen’s College
International Relations Network
The Queen's College

Dr. Farsan Ghassim is the Junior Research Fellow in Politics at The Queen’s College, holding a John Fell Fund grant at DPIR. His research concentrates on global governance and survey methods. Through his work, he aims to find out how people want the world to be governed, and to help other scholars conduct better public opinion research. Before joining The Queen’s, he held postdoctoral fellowships at the universities of Lund and Maastricht. A former management consultant at Bain & Company, he also worked at the German Foreign Ministry, for the President of the European Parliament, and at the United Nations headquarters in New York. He holds a DPhil in International Relations from the University of Oxford, an MA in Global Affairs from Yale University, and a BSc in Management from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).


Peer-reviewed research


2024: Are more authoritative international organizations challenged more? A recurrent event analysis of member state criticisms and withdrawals (with Hylke Dijkstra). The Review of International Organizations. Available at:

2024: Effects of self-legitimation and delegitimation on public attitudes toward international organizations: A worldwide survey experiment. International Studies Quarterly. Volume 68. Issue 2. Available at:

2022: Public opinion on institutional designs for the United Nations: An international survey experiment (with Mathias Koenig-Archibugi and Luis Cabrera). International Studies Quarterly. Volume 66. Issue 3. September 2022. Available at: 

2022: The politics of (de)legitimation in global governance: A theoretical framework (with Magdalena Bexell, Karin Bäckstrand, Catia Gregoratti, Kristina Jönsson, Fredrik Söderbaum, Nora Stappert, and Anders Uhlin). In The politics of (de)legitimation in global governance: Practices, justifications, and audiences. Edited by Magdalena Bexell, Kristina Jönsson, and Anders Uhlin. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Available at:

2022: Audiences of (de)legitimation in global governance: A comparative overview (with Magdalena Bexell and Soetkin Verhaegen). In The politics of (de)legitimation in global governance: Practices, justifications, and audiences. Edited by Magdalena Bexell, Kristina Jönsson, and Anders Uhlin. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Available at:

2022: The effects of (de)legitimation on citizens’ belief in global governance: A worldwide survey experiment. In The politics of (de)legitimation in global governance: Practices, justifications, and audiences. Edited by Magdalena Bexell, Kristina Jönsson, and Anders Uhlin. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Available at:

2021: Who on earth wants global democracy – and why (not)? A theoretical and experimental study of international public opinion. Doctoral thesis. Oxford, UK: University of Oxford. Available at:


International Studies Quarterly: Who on earth wants a world government, what kind, and why? An international survey experiment (with Markus Pauli). Available at:

Perspectives on Politics: Perceptions of a global democratic deficit: An international survey experiment

Popular science, magazine articles, and blog posts

2024: Global citizens’ assemblies: Expanding the global democracy agenda (with Andreas Bummel). Democracy Without Borders, February 21. Available at:

2022: Global citizens want a stronger and more democratic United Nations (with Mathias Koenig-Archibugi and Luis Cabrera). The Washington Post, Monkey Cage. November 4. Available at:

2022: International survey: Citizens want a stronger and more democratic UN. Citizens for Global Solutions. September 27. Available at:

2022: Calls by Zelensky and Biden for UN reform are supported by people around the world – new survey. The Conversation. September 22. Available at:

2022: International survey: Citizens want a stronger and more democratic UN. Democracy Without Borders. September 22. Available at:

2022: Citizens worldwide want a stronger and more democratic UN: Findings from an international survey by Oxford, LSE, and Griffith researchers. OxPol: The blog of the University of Oxford’s Department of Politics and International Relations. September 21. Available at:

2021: Mehr (globale) Demokratie wagen [Daring more (global) democracy]. Frankfurter Rundschau. September 17. Available at:

2021: Study: Majorities support global democracy, political parties can benefit. Democracy Without Borders. September 2. Available at:

2017: Eine Welt, ein Parlament? [One world, one parliament?], Internationale Politik, Sonderbeilage Mercator Kolleg 2016, pp. 16-17, January/February

2015: The proposal of a UN parliament: The idea, its supporters, and possible ways of implementation, Diplomatisches Magazin, pp. 42-43, December. Available at: