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- Samu/Elle Striewski
Samu/Elle Striewski
Samu/elle Striewski is a graduate student reading for the MPhil in Political Theory at the DPIR. Previously, they studied political and social philosophy as well as comparative literature and gender studies in Berlin, Frankfurt, Paris, and New York. At Oxford, they are continuing to work on Critical Theory in relation to queer and trans* struggled for/against recognition.
Research interests:
- Frankfurt School of Critical Theory (especially Honneth and Fraser)
- Post-structuralist thought (especially Foucault and Deleuze)
- Queer/Trans* Studies (especially Butler, Halberstam, and Preciado)
- An co-edited book on contemporary Drag in Germany (with Prof. Jenny Schrödl)
- One chapter each in the Routledge Handbooks on Bisexuality (on bi+ temporality) and Drag (on drag artists as anarchist organic intellectuals)
- A chapter on toleration of non-binary language in Challenging the Binary: Non-Binary, Genderqueer, and Gender-Neutral Language (volume published in De Gruyter 'Interdisciplinary Linguistics' series)
- A co-authored article on femininities and performance published in a special issue of Agitate! on Pedagogies of Hope.
Recently published work
STRIEWSKI, S. (2024) “Dadaoutai: Vaterschaft denken mit Stromae und Derrida” (transl.: Dadaoutai: Thinking Fatherhood with Stromae and Derrida). anwesenheitsnotiz, Vol. 13, March: 30–57. Online version available at
STRIEWSKI, S. (2024) “Women, Animals, Food: Planetary Perspectives.” Comparative Woman, Vol. 2, Issue 2 on Conflict: Continuing the Conversation, Jan, 12 pages. Available at
STRIEWSKI, S. (2023) “Drag Wars, oder worum es wirklich geht, beim Gender Wahn.” philou (student journal), Vol. 13, Issue on 'Education,' Aachen, Nov : 38–41. Online version available at
STRIEWSKI, S. (2023) “The Poiesis of Susceptibility: Langston Hughes and Queer Black Friendship.” Currents: A Journal of Young English Philology Thought and Review, Vol. 9 on Solidarity—Conflict, Torun ́, Sep: 97–105. Available at
STRIEWSKI, S. (2023) “Diversifying Cultural Norms, or Being Nonbinary.” philou (student journal), Vol. 12, Issue on 'Diversity,' Aachen, April: 22–25. Online version available at