
Stefano Carboni

Research Topic:

Urban Free Zones: Competitive Advantages for Territorial Redevelopment and Economic Recovery through a Strategic Application of Territorial Marketing and the role of European Parliament Regulations.

Stefano Carboni is a Ph.D. candidate in Economics, Management & Quantitative Methods at the University of Sassari (Italy), department of Economics and Business studies (DiSea, "Departments of Excellence", recognition received by the Ministry of Higher Education Miur). His doctoral research is focued on the Urban Free Zones, a type of tax-free areas aimed at business (the UFZs are focused on the redevelopment of urban areas affected by social hardship which their objectives are not mainly commercial but interest the social sphere). He is giving lectures, as a subject matter expert, of the mater's course: Geomarketing, Geoeconomics and the bachelor courses: Environmental Policies and Economic Geography at his department. He joined the Harvard Business School community on 2022, in which he was a speaker on the event "Discussion on Territorial Marketing" on February 2024.

Stefano olds a Master's Degree in Business Economics and General Management, and a Bachelor degree in Economics and Management (University of Sassari). He has been a Ph.D visiting at the Stockholm Business School and at the Skövde School of Business (Sweden). His research interests include Taxation Free Zones, Place Branding, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainable economy, using software such as Qgis, ArcGIS Pro and R for mapping and spatial analysis and Stata for quantitative analysis. He will now carry out a research, part of his doctoral thesis, focusing on urban free zones in Europe, the role of the European Parliament, at the University of Oxford DPIR.