
Federica Genovese

Professor of Political Science and International Relations
International Relations Network
Government and Politics Network
St Antony's College
Office address
DPIR, Room 138, Manor Road Building, Manor Road, Oxford OX1 3UQ.

Federica Genovese is Professor of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Oxford.

She joined St Antony's College and the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford in January 2024. Previously, she worked at the Government Department at University of Essex (2014-2023). She has a PhD from University of Konstanz,  a MA from Johns Hopkins SAIS and a Hon BA University of Toronto. In the past she was a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University and an academic visitor at Nuffield College in Oxford and Collegio Carlo Alberto in Turin.

Her research focuses on international and comparative political economy, with particular attention to climate politics and policy, globalisation, redistribution and the politics of crises in Europe, but not exclusively.

Her writings have been published with Cambridge University Press and in American Political Science Review, British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, International Studies Quarterly, Review of International Organisations, among other outlets. Her work has been supported by various foundations including the British Academy, the Carnegie Trust, and the Leverhulme Trust, which awarded her a Research Leadership Award in 2023.


Journal Articles


Genovese, F. (2023) “Empathy, geography and immigration: political framing of sea migrant arrivals in European media”, European Union Politics, 24(4), pp. 771–784.
Genovese, F. and Vassallo, S. (2023) “Ideological polarization, policy continuity: back to the majoritarian principle?”, Contemporary Italian Politics, 15(2), pp. 124–139.


Genovese, F., McAlexander, R. and Urpelainen, J. (2022) “Institutional roots of international alliances: party groupings and position similarity at global climate negotiations”, Review of International Organizations, 18(2), pp. 329–359.
Genovese, F. and Hermida-Rivera, H. (2022) “Government ideology and bailout conditionality in the European financial crisis”, International Interactions, 48(5), pp. 897–935.
Gaikwad, N., Genovese, F. and Tingley, D. (2022) “Creating climate coalitions: mass preferences for compensating vulnerability in the world’s two largest democracies”, American Political Science Review, 116(4), pp. 1165–1183.


Genovese, F. (2021) “Origins and patterns of informal organizations for international governance”, International Studies Review, 24(1).


Bayer, P. and Genovese, F. (2020) “Beliefs about consequences from climate action under weak climate institutions: Sectors, home bias, and international embeddedness”, Global Environmental Politics, 20(4), pp. 28–49.
Genovese, F. and Schneider, G. (2020) “Smoke with fire: Financial crises and the demand for parliamentary oversight in the European Union”, The Review of International Organizations, 15(3), pp. 633–665.
Genovese, F. (2020) “Market responses to global governance: international climate cooperation and europe’s carbon trading”, Business and Politics, 23(1), pp. 91–123.


Genovese, F. (2019) “Sectors, Pollution, and Trade: How Industrial Interests Shape Domestic Positions on Global Climate Agreements”, International Studies Quarterly, 63(4), pp. 819–836.
Bechtel, M., Genovese, F. and Scheve, K. (2019) “Interests, Norms and Support for the Provision of Global Public Goods: The Case of Climate Co-operation”, British Journal of Political Science, 49(4), pp. 1333–1355.
Genovese, F. and Tvinnereim, E. (2019) “Who opposes climate regulation? Business preferences for the European emission trading scheme”, The Review of International Organizations, 14(3), pp. 511–542.
Genovese, F. (2019) “Politics @Pontifex: International Crises and Political Patterns of Papal Tweets”, PS Political Science & Politics, 52(1), pp. 7–13.


Genovese, F., Kern, F. and Martin, C. (2017) “Policy Alteration: Rethinking Diffusion Processes When Policies Have Alternatives”, International Studies Quarterly, 61(2), pp. 236–252.


Genovese, F., Schneider, G. and Wassmann, P. (2016) “The Eurotower Strikes Back”, Comparative Political Studies, 49(7), pp. 939–967.


Genovese, F. (2015) “Politics ex cathedra: Religious authority and the Pope in modern international relations”, Research & Politics, 2(4), p. 2053168015612808.


Genovese, F. (2014) “States’ interests at international climate negotiations: new measures of bargaining positions”, Environmental Politics, 23(4), pp. 610–631.
Gaikwad, N., Genovese, F. and Tingley, D. (no date) “Creating Climate Coalitions: Mass Preferences for Compensating Vulnerability in the World’s Two Largest Democracies”, SSRN Electronic Journal [Preprint].