
Stuart White

PhD Princeton

Associate Professor of Politics, DPIR
Tutorial Fellow in Politics, Jesus College
Political Theory Network
Jesus College


Normative political theory, public policy and the history of political thought. I am particularly interested in egalitarianism and its application in policy, and in traditions of political and institutional thinking that are simultaneously anti-capitalist and opposed to authoritarian forms of socialism.

My research interests include:

Normative Political Economy, Democratic Theory, Constitutional Theory and Studies (UK and Comparative), Political Theory and/of Institutions, Varieties of Republicanism, Political Theory and/of Subcultures, Anarchism.


Universal basic income; inheritance tax and universal capital grants; democratic renewal and constitutional reform.


Undergraduate teaching: Prelims: Theorizing Democracy, Theory of Politics, History of Political Thought: Plato to Rousseau, History of Political Thought: Bentham to Weber, Marx and Marxism.

Graduate teaching: Normative Political Economy.


Journal Articles


White, S. (2022) “The Referendum in the UK’s Constitution: From Parliamentary to Popular Sovereignty?”, Parliamentary Affairs, 75(2), pp. 263–280.


O’Neill, M. and White, S. (2019) “James Meade, public ownership, and the idea of a citizens’ trust”, International Journal of Public Policy, 15(1-2), pp. 21–37.


White, S. (2017) “Republicanism and Property-Owning Democracy: How Are They Connected?”, The Tocqueville Review/La Revue Tocqueville [Preprint].


White, S. (2015) “Basic Capital in the Egalitarian Toolkit?”, Journal of Applied Philosophy, 32(4), pp. 417–431.


White, S. (2012) “Religious exemptions: An egalitarian demand?”, Law and Ethics of Human Rights, 6(1), pp. 97–118.
Yeoman, R. (no date) “An Evaluative Framework for Mutual and Employee owned Businesses”, Journal of Social Entrepreneurship [Preprint].
White, S. (no date) “Parliaments, Constitutional Conventions, and Popular Sovereignty”, The British Journal of Politics and International Relations [Preprint].



Leipold, B., Nabulsi, K. and White, S. (2020) Radical Republicanism Recovering the Tradition’s Popular Heritage. Edited by K. NABULSI, S. WHITE, and B. Leipold. Oxford University Press, USA.



WHITE, S. (2019) “Rousseau and the Meaning of Popular Sovereignty”, in Ideas That Matter Democracy, Justice, Rights. Oxford University Press, USA.


WHITE, S. and O’Neill, M. (2018) “Trade Unions and Political Equality”, in H. COLLINS, G. Lester, and V. Mantouvalou (eds.) Philosophical Foundations of Labour Law. Oxford University Press.
WHITE, S. (2018) “Moral Objections to Inheritance Tax”, in Taxation Philosophical Perspectives. Oxford University Press.


White, S. (2017) “Should a Minimum Income be Unconditional?”, in S. Civatarese and S. Halliday (eds.) The Fate of Social Welfare in an Age of Austerity: Socio-Economic Rights in Europe. Routledge.
White, S. (2017) “Liberal Philosophies of Ownership”, in J. Michie (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Cooperative and Mutual Business.


White, S. (2016) “The left after social democracy: towards state-society partnerships”, in A. Reid and P. Ackers (eds.) Other Worlds of Labour. Palgrave.
WHITE, S. (no date) “Horizontalism, Public Assembly, and Republican Politics”, in G. Rousseliere and Y. Elazar (eds.) Republicanism and the Future of Democracy.



White, S. and Swift, A. (2009) “"Politica Theory, Social Science and Real Politics.”