
Republicanism and rethinking democracy


What is the place of the common good in democratic politics? Can popular sovereignty be an effective living presence in politics? Is there a tension between capitalism and democracy? If so, how can this be resolved in favour of democracy?

These are some of the questions addressed in Stuart White’s research into republican political theory and democracy. A particular theme of this research is to explore proposals for a more participatory democracy through mechanisms such as citizens’ assemblies, and a proposed right of citizens to call conventions to deliberate constitutional reforms.

A related line of research looks at the arguments for a constitutional convention process in the UK. Relevant publications include Radical Republicanism, co-edited with Bruno Leipold and Karma Nabulsi, forthcoming, related to the conference at the Department of Politics and International Relations, ‘Reclaiming Republicanism: Reclaiming the Tradition’s Radical Heritage’, in 2015.

The arguments for a UK constitutional convention process are explored in an online debate series that Stuart edited for OxPol and openDemocracy in 2015, the Great Charter Convention. An e-book related to this series is also forthcoming.