
New podcast exploring how international organisations tackle global shocks launches

A new podcast involving DPIR and focussing on how global organisations learn from and adapt to turbulence and major global shocks has launched today.

Global Shocks is a podcast series established by The Oxford Martin Programme on Changing Global Orders.

The programme is a collaboration between History and International Relations and led by Professor Louise Fawcett and Professor Andrew Hurrell (International Relations); and Professor Patricia Clavin and Professor Andrew Thompson (History). 

 As a part of the programme’s public outreach, DPIR Postdoctoral Research Fellow Jan Eijking is leading the podcast and oral history project with the support of Professor Clavin and award-winning audio producer Melissa FitzGerald of Zinc Media. 

As host and producer of Global Shocks, he directs the conversation with leading figures from the world’s major international organisations — from the International Committee of the Red Cross to the World Health Organisation — to find out what lessons they draw from the past and what future prospects they have.

In a world facing multiple overlapping crises and wars, understanding how existing international institutions can tackle mounting global challenges is more crucial than ever. 

“Global shocks are all around us: from humanitarian emergencies to war, from financial crises to pandemics. So how can the world’s major international organisations respond to them, adapt to them, and survive such turbulent times?"

DPIR Postdoctoral Research Fellow Jan Eijking

Individual episodes include conversations with:

  • Yves Daccord, the former Director General of the International Committee of the Red Cross; 
  • Dr Renata Dwan of Chatham House, former Chief of Peacekeeping Policy at the United Nations; and 
  • Ilona Kickbusch, former leader of the World Health Organisation’s Global Health Promotion Programme.

Full-length recordings will also be made available as an oral history archive collection.

The Global Shocks episodes will be released on their website, across their social media channels, as well as on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and all other leading podcast apps from Monday, 5 February.