image/svg+xml A student at Manor Road Building | Image © John Cairns ( People Person type - Any -Academic office holderAcademic Office HoldersAcademic StaffAssociate MemberCollege StaffDPhil StudentEmeritusJob Market CandidateMPhil StudentMSc StudentProfessional Services StaffResearch StaffVisiting AcademicVisiting StudentVisitors Research Prog/Net/Ctr - Any -Operations & Office Management TeamOxford Conflict, Peace & Security HubFinance TeamRISJResearch FacilitationPolitical Thought Network Political Theory Network International Relations NetworkInternational RelationsHR TeamGovernment and Politics NetworkELACAlumni Relations TeamCyber Studies Programme CSSJCourses TeamConstitutional Studies ProgrammeCommunications TeamCISCentre for Technology and Global AffairsCCWSpring School Research affiliation - Any -Comparative Politics and GovernmentIRPolitical TheoryResearch Methods Research keyword - Any -AnarchismAuthorityCitizenshipCivil wars Classical theories of IRCommunities and FamiliesCommunityCommunity and IdentityConflict managementConservatismConstitutionConstitutions and GovernmentConstitutions and InstitutionsCoronavirusCyber securityDemocracy and DemocratisationDemocracy and electionsDemocratic theoryDemocratisationDiplomacyEducationElectionsElectoral systemsEmotionsEnvironment and Climate ChangeEqualityEthics of warEthics of warethnic violenceEU enlargementEuropean enlargementEuropean UnionFamilyFeminismForeign policyForeign Policy and diplomacyFraternityFreedom and ChoiceGenderGlobal constitutionalismGlobal governanceGlobal historyGlobal nuclear orderGovernmentGrand strategyGroups and social movementsHistoryHuman natureHuman rightsHumanitarian natureIdentitiesIdentityIdeologies and political thoughtIdeologyInclusionIndustrial RelationsInstitutions and organisationsInternational cooperationInternational ethicsInternational ethics and global justiceInternational lawInternational normative theoryInternational orderInternational organisationsInternational political economyInternational relationsInternational relations theoryInternational securityJust war theoryJusticeLaws of warLegislaturesLiberalismLibertyMediaMethodsMethods and ConceptsMethods and Normative TheoryMigrationMilitary ethicsMonarchyMovements, parties and groupsNationalismNationalist movementsNationalityNeedsNormative theoryParliamentsPartiesPatriarchyPeacekeeping and PeacebuildingPolitical EconomyPolitical PartiesPolitical TheoryPolityPost-conflict reconstructionPowerPublic PolicyPublic SphereRefugeesRefugees and migrationReligionRepresentationRepublicanismResponsibility to protectRevolutionRightsRights and justiceSocial contractSocial movementsSocialismSovereigntyStatebuildingStatesStrategic studiesSustainabilityTreaty makingUkraine-Russia conflictUkraine-Russia conflict DO NOT USEUNAI Climate SecurityUNAI Conflict Prevention and PeacebuildingUNAI Digital Tech & DataUNAI Geopolitical ContextsUNAI Improving UN Responses to Violence by Non-State ActorsUNAI New Forms of ConflictUNAI Regional Dynamics & Regional ResponsesUNAI The Future of PeacekeepingUnited NationsViolenceViolence security and conflict Research Arianna Ioki U Visiting Student Hasan Abbasi Professional Services Staff Operations Support and Administrative Assistant Tarik Abou-Chadi Academic Staff Professor in European Union and Comparative European Politics Marina Adami Professional Services Staff Digital Journalist RISJ profile Tali Aharoni Research Staff Postdoctoral Research Fellow RISJ profile Mats Ahrenshop Research Staff Postdoctoral Researcher Fikayo Akeredolu DPhil Student The Political Economy of Energy Transition Ali Al Youha DPhil Student Formation of Political Sovereignty in the Gulf (c.1800-1936) Nawara Alaboud MPhil Student John Alderdice Associate Member Director of CRIC (Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict) College profile Nadila Ali DPhil Student Kye Allen DPhil Student Job Market Candidate Mythologising the Ultra-Nation, Theorising the International: Fascist International Thought and the Study of International Relations in Britain, 1922-1945 Baptiste Alloui-Cros DPhil Student How can AI & Wargaming inform (or not) strategic thought? Duarte Amaro DPhil Student Othon Anastasakis Associate Member Senior Research Fellow, St. Antony's College, Director of the European Studies Centre College profile Ben Ansell Academic Staff Professor of Comparative Democratic Institutions Jo Anthony Professional Services Staff Communications & Engagement Manager (maternity cover) Marta Antonetti DPhil Student Political participation; gender dynamics; experimental methods; social and political psychology. Ariadna Arboli Pujol MPhil Student Diego Arguedas Ortiz Professional Services Staff OCJN Network Controller RISJ profile Nick Arndt MPhil Student Ebenezer Azamati DPhil Student Realpolitik internationalism: Illiberal states' conceptions of liberal means to ending wars Su Bai MPhil Student Rabecka Bailey MPhil Student Jonas Balkus MPhil Student Chris Ballinger College Staff College profile Viviana Baraybar Hidalgo DPhil Student Research Staff Nuffield Postdoctoral Prize Research Fellow in Politics Daniel Barker Flores DPhil Student Job Market Candidate Urban Security and Governance in Latin America James Barnett DPhil Student Democratization and conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa Alex Baxter MPhil Student Teresa M. Bejan Academic Staff Professor of Political Theory Haydn Belfield DPhil Student Bombs, Bugs, Bytes and Bots: What Determines the Relative Success or Failure of Arms Control Regimes? Moshe Ben Hamo Yeger DPhil Student Popular Mobilization in Criminal Wars: Explaining Collective Action in Mexico’s Criminal Conflict Rachel Bernhard Academic Staff Associate Professor in Quantitative Political Science Research Methods Joshua Berry MSc Student Alexander Betts Associate Member Professor of Forced Migration and International Affairs Priscille Biehlmann Professional Services Staff Programme Producer in Leadership Development RISJ profile Paul Billingham Academic Staff Academic Office Holders Associate Professor of Political Theory Cheryl Birdseye Professional Services Staff Research Facilitation Officer Humeyra Biricik DPhil Student political speech, democratic backsliding, authoritarian populism, gender Samuel Bither MPhil Student Robert Bognar DPhil Student Evolutionary Theory and Warfare Rebecca Bondy MPhil Student Formal Education and Violent Political Protest under Authoritarianism: The Case of Ben-Ali’s Tunisia Malin Bornemann MPhil Student Inken von Borzyskowski Academic Staff Professor in International Relations Maxine Both Visiting Student Maxine's European University Institute profile Luke Botting DPhil Student Being and Anarchy: Individual Freedom in International Order Nigel Bowles Associate Member Emeritus Senior Research Associate Tania Boyt Professional Services Staff Head of Administration and Finance Lorin Bozkurt MPhil Student Matthew Brack Professional Services Staff Operations and Office Manager Thomas Brailey DPhil Student Conceptualising Non-State Security Violet Brand Professional Services Staff Undergraduate Manager Erika Brandl Visiting Academic Erika's University of Bergen profile Edward Brooks Academic Staff Programme Director Archie Brown Emeritus Emeritus Professor of Politics Aryemis Brown DPhil Student Duties and Debris: An Analysis of the International Norm Against Conventional Space Weapons Lauren Brown Professional Services Staff Journalist Programmes Officer RISJ profile Florian Brunner DPhil Student Wilin Buitrago Arias DPhil Student Job Market Candidate Dominic Burbidge Associate Member Lecturer in Politics and Senior Research Associate Samuel Burry DPhil Student Daniel Butt Academic Staff Academic Office Holders Associate Professor of Political Theory Anthony Calacino Research Staff Postdoctoral Researcher Emre Caliskan DPhil Student Research Fellow at the Blavatnik School of Government Kamissa Camara DPhil Student Behind The Curtain of Putsches: Coup Makers’ Motivations and Agency in Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea (2020-2023) Richard Caplan Academic Staff Academic Office Holders Professor of International Relations Giovanni Capoccia Academic Staff Professor of Comparative Politics Stefano Carboni Visiting Student Urban Free Zones: Competitive Advantages for Territorial Redevelopment and Economic Recovery through a Strategic Application of Territorial Marketing and the role of European Parliament Regulations. Sophie Cardin DPhil Student Dispatches from Diaspora: Recovering the History of Yiddish Political Thought Leonardo Carella Research Staff College Staff Postdoctoral Prize Research Fellow in Politics, Nuffield College College profile Julia Carver DPhil Student Virtually inconceivable: Geopolitics, capacity, and sovereignty claims in the digital domain Martin Ceadel Emeritus Emeritus Professor of Politics Karina Cendon Boveda Associate Member Politics Lecturer at Merton College Edvinas Cesnulis MPhil Student Does Simplification of Political Complexity Lead to Populist Attitudes? The Case of Lithuania Seunghoon Chae Visiting Academic Visiting Academic Seunghoon's profile page Paul Chaisty Academic Staff Professor of Russian and East European Politics Tiffany Chan MPhil Student Zenobia Chan Research Staff College Staff Postdoctoral Prize Research Fellow in Politics, Nuffield College. College profile Raquel Chanto Viquez DPhil Student Corruption, Latin American Politics Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Next page Next ›
John Alderdice Associate Member Director of CRIC (Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict) College profile
Kye Allen DPhil Student Job Market Candidate Mythologising the Ultra-Nation, Theorising the International: Fascist International Thought and the Study of International Relations in Britain, 1922-1945
Othon Anastasakis Associate Member Senior Research Fellow, St. Antony's College, Director of the European Studies Centre College profile
Marta Antonetti DPhil Student Political participation; gender dynamics; experimental methods; social and political psychology.
Ebenezer Azamati DPhil Student Realpolitik internationalism: Illiberal states' conceptions of liberal means to ending wars
Viviana Baraybar Hidalgo DPhil Student Research Staff Nuffield Postdoctoral Prize Research Fellow in Politics
Daniel Barker Flores DPhil Student Job Market Candidate Urban Security and Governance in Latin America
Haydn Belfield DPhil Student Bombs, Bugs, Bytes and Bots: What Determines the Relative Success or Failure of Arms Control Regimes?
Moshe Ben Hamo Yeger DPhil Student Popular Mobilization in Criminal Wars: Explaining Collective Action in Mexico’s Criminal Conflict
Rachel Bernhard Academic Staff Associate Professor in Quantitative Political Science Research Methods
Priscille Biehlmann Professional Services Staff Programme Producer in Leadership Development RISJ profile
Humeyra Biricik DPhil Student political speech, democratic backsliding, authoritarian populism, gender
Rebecca Bondy MPhil Student Formal Education and Violent Political Protest under Authoritarianism: The Case of Ben-Ali’s Tunisia
Aryemis Brown DPhil Student Duties and Debris: An Analysis of the International Norm Against Conventional Space Weapons
Kamissa Camara DPhil Student Behind The Curtain of Putsches: Coup Makers’ Motivations and Agency in Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea (2020-2023)
Stefano Carboni Visiting Student Urban Free Zones: Competitive Advantages for Territorial Redevelopment and Economic Recovery through a Strategic Application of Territorial Marketing and the role of European Parliament Regulations.
Sophie Cardin DPhil Student Dispatches from Diaspora: Recovering the History of Yiddish Political Thought
Leonardo Carella Research Staff College Staff Postdoctoral Prize Research Fellow in Politics, Nuffield College College profile
Julia Carver DPhil Student Virtually inconceivable: Geopolitics, capacity, and sovereignty claims in the digital domain
Edvinas Cesnulis MPhil Student Does Simplification of Political Complexity Lead to Populist Attitudes? The Case of Lithuania
Zenobia Chan Research Staff College Staff Postdoctoral Prize Research Fellow in Politics, Nuffield College. College profile