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Morris DPhil Student Adaptive Biases in Substate Violence: Group Cohesion, Leadership Dynamics, and AI Strategic Interaction Rachel Morrow-Nguyen Research Staff UNAI Research Assistant Department profile Pascal Mowla DPhil Student The Ethos of Equality of Opportunity Mitali Mukherjee Academic Staff Director of Journalist Programmes Acting Director of the Reuters Institute RISJ profile Joby Mullens Professional Services Staff Website Officer Declan Murray MSc Student Karma Nabulsi Emeritus Emeritus Fellow in Politics and International Relations Isabelle Napier DPhil Student White Allyship in World Politics Peter Heyn Nielsen Visiting Academic Visiting Research Fellow Peter's Roskilde University profile Konstantin Niewerth MPhil Student Virginia Consuelo Nizza DPhil Student The Technology Private Sector as a site of Great Power Competition between the United States and China Zed Nott MPhil Student Iuliana Nyerges MPhil Student Measuring Voter Demand for Democratic Reconstruction in States Undergoing Democratic Backsliding: Evidence from Hungary Ethan Nylen MPhil Student Isabella O'Brien MPhil Student Dai Oba Associate Member Research Associate Angela Odermatt MPhil Student Social Identity Costs to Claiming Benefits and Their Effects on Take Up and Support Mora Ognian MPhil Student Welfare Policies and Economic Elites in Latin America Kento Ohara DPhil Student Hirooki Ohashi Visiting Academic Visiting Research Fellow Tomoko Okagaki Visiting Academic Visiting Research Fellow Holly Omand Professional Services Staff Events & Alumni Officer Jacob Keesing Ostfeld MPhil Student Nicholas Owen Academic Staff Academic Office Holders Associate Professor of Politics Patricia Owens Academic Staff Academic Office Holders Professor of International Relations Juliet Paiva MPhil Student Zeynep Pamuk Academic Staff Associate Professor in Contemporary Political Theory Andrew Payne Associate Member Research Associate Miyo Peck-Suzuki DPhil Student Gillian Peele Emeritus Emeritus Professor in Politics Krzysztof Pelc Academic Staff Lester B Pearson Statutory Professor Maria Pereira da Costa DPhil Student Decolonisation and Lusophone Africa's liberation movements within the United Nations Javier Pérez Sandoval Academic Staff British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow Scot Peterson Academic Staff Departmental Lecturer in British Politics and Government Peter Petkoff Associate Member Tutorial Fellow in Law and Director of Studies Dr Petkoff's Faculty of Law profile Justas Petrauskas MPhil Student Mark Philp Associate Member Professor of History and Politics, Dissertation Coordinator, Warwick University, Emeritus Fellow, Oriel College University of Warwick profile Antonio Piraino MPhil Student Alejandro Posada Téllez DPhil Student War and Peace by Other Means: The Narrative Construction of Victimhood in Societies Transitioning from Conflict Timothy Power Academic Staff Professor of Latin American Politics Manolis Pratsinakis Research Staff ONASSIS Research Fellow Luis Prenninger MPhil Student Hayley Pring DPhil Student Research Staff Postdoctoral Researcher Tom Pruchnow MPhil Student Maria Puolakkainen DPhil Student The political economy of industrial policy in middle-income democracies Francesco Raffaelli DPhil Student Job Market Candidate Tiril Høye Rahn DPhil Student Research Staff UNAI Research Assistant Gerda Raissar DPhil Student Why do EU member states cooperate in foreign policy? Explaining cooperation on sanctions Simple Rajrah DPhil Student Eva Rakhimova Professional Services Staff Finance Manager Nayantara Ranganatha MPhil Student Peter Ransom Professional Services Staff Finance Manager Sebastián Raphael Priego DPhil Student Paths to Peace or Peril? The Causes and Consequences of the Presidential Military Complex in Mexico Emma Rath MPhil Student Eden Raviv MPhil Student Tessa Reeves Professional Services Staff Undergraduate Studies Coordinator Alex Reid Professional Services Staff Publications Officer RISJ profile Fidelia Danielle Renne Associate Member Research Associate Alexandra Rice DPhil Student The Role of Religious Actors in Official Negotiations in Israel/Palestine Lucile Richard Visiting Academic Lucile's SciencesPo profile Miranda Richman DPhil Student Clara Riedl-Riedenstein MSc Student Samuel Ritholtz Academic Staff Departmental Lecturer in International Relations in association with St Hilda's College Diane Robert MPhil Student Adam Roberts Emeritus Emeritus Professor of International Relations Ivor Roberts Associate Member President, Trinity College Craig Robertson Research Staff Postdoctoral Research Fellow RISJ profile Amy Ross Arguedas Research Staff Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Trust in News Project) RISJ profile Edward Routh MPhil Student F David Rueda Academic Staff Academic Office Holders Professor of Comparative Politics Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Current page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Next page Next ›
Nachiket Midha MSc Student Yes Madam Prime Minister: Dynastic Legacies and Women’s Ascension to Power in Democracies
David Miller Academic Staff Professor of Political Theory, Senior Research Fellow, Nuffield College College profile
Juan Morante Professional Services Staff Fellowship Assistant and PA to Fellowship Director RISJ profile
Christopher J. Morris DPhil Student Adaptive Biases in Substate Violence: Group Cohesion, Leadership Dynamics, and AI Strategic Interaction
Mitali Mukherjee Academic Staff Director of Journalist Programmes Acting Director of the Reuters Institute RISJ profile
Virginia Consuelo Nizza DPhil Student The Technology Private Sector as a site of Great Power Competition between the United States and China
Iuliana Nyerges MPhil Student Measuring Voter Demand for Democratic Reconstruction in States Undergoing Democratic Backsliding: Evidence from Hungary
Angela Odermatt MPhil Student Social Identity Costs to Claiming Benefits and Their Effects on Take Up and Support
Maria Pereira da Costa DPhil Student Decolonisation and Lusophone Africa's liberation movements within the United Nations
Peter Petkoff Associate Member Tutorial Fellow in Law and Director of Studies Dr Petkoff's Faculty of Law profile
Mark Philp Associate Member Professor of History and Politics, Dissertation Coordinator, Warwick University, Emeritus Fellow, Oriel College University of Warwick profile
Alejandro Posada Téllez DPhil Student War and Peace by Other Means: The Narrative Construction of Victimhood in Societies Transitioning from Conflict
Maria Puolakkainen DPhil Student The political economy of industrial policy in middle-income democracies
Gerda Raissar DPhil Student Why do EU member states cooperate in foreign policy? Explaining cooperation on sanctions
Sebastián Raphael Priego DPhil Student Paths to Peace or Peril? The Causes and Consequences of the Presidential Military Complex in Mexico
Alexandra Rice DPhil Student The Role of Religious Actors in Official Negotiations in Israel/Palestine
Samuel Ritholtz Academic Staff Departmental Lecturer in International Relations in association with St Hilda's College